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Amirkaal  Amirkaal  Amirkaal 


We have came closest to the ancient harmony of nature among enormous mountains in the heart of Central Asia, in valleys untouched by human civilisation. We infused into each bottles of our limited edition Fulmer Amirkaal Honey with the essence of this harmony. The result is the most extraordinary honey we could have created.

  • 500.00€ / 600g

2-3 Days

Expected: 2024-05-29
Colour: Dense, light, slightly textured character
Taste: Timetravel to the dawn of nature, through the taste buds
Aroma: Complex, rich, exotic
The Fulmer Amirkaal Honey is like nothing else. For nearly 100 years, our family has been searching and researching for a way to bottle the experience of the symbiosis of unspoilt nature and bees in their ancient freedom. With wholehearted respect for our ancestors and our past, we can say that we have never been so close to creating the holy grail of beekeepers, the perfect honey.
We recommend the consumption of Fulmer Amirkaal Honey in its simple way, so that all the treasures of nature that it contains can be enjoyed. At the same time, we know that honey is one of the oldest mainstays of human nutrition and can be an excellent accompaniment to other foods.
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